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Selectmen's Minutes December 5, 2005

December 5, 2005

Present:        William Roach, Emma Smith, Richard Leone and Stephen White.

Also Present:     Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Absent:  Frederick Gallup

Others:   Dan Ruggles, Fire Chief


        See attached agenda.


Fire Chief – Inspection Wage

Fire Chief Dan Ruggles was present to discuss with the Board wages he should receive for doing inspections for the department.  A straight $5,000.00 was budgeted in 2005, but D. Nashawaty needs to add this position to the employee handbook and is requesting the Board’s guidance as to where to add it.  Mr. Ruggles stated that the $5,000.00 figure was derived because he spends approximately 5 hours per week on inspections and put in the rate of $20.00 per hour.  This money also covers meetings he must attend each year.  He has put in 222 hours so far this year.  He inspects chimneys, stoves, restaurants, cisterns, day care facilities, etc.  It is a state law that he must inspect new oil furnace installations.  Stephen White suggested that the Town start charging a fee for inspections and recommended that the Town Manager look into the RSA’s to see if this was acceptable according to state law.  Richard Leone and Emma Smith spoke against charging fees as they feel this is a service that should be provided without payment.   D. Nashawaty expressed concern that D. Ruggles receive compensation while he is doing service for the Town.  The other engineers may also wish some sort of compensation when they have to leave their full time employment for Sunapee.  Discussion was held on a stipend payment rather than an hourly salary for the Fire Chief.  It was recommended that Mr. Ruggles receive $20.00 per hour for 2005 and D. Nashawaty will check to see how other towns with volunteer fire departments pay their Chief, if anything.  The Chief will speak with the fire engineers to see how they feel about the Chief being the only one receiving payment for service.  Motion was made by Emma Smith to pay the Fire Chief at the rate of $20.00 per hour and to have the Town Manager check to see how other towns are handling this.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  A new line item will be added to salaries and entitled 1024 – Fire Engineer.  This will appear on the agenda again when D. Nashawaty has further information to offer.

Sunapee Building Committee

D. Nashawaty reported that the Building Committee has attempted to meet three times over the past three months, but could not due to a lack of quorum.  A couple of the members just don’t seem interested in attending any longer.  E. Smith commented that when the Safety Services Building was being studied, the committee was very active, but it appears that once that was complete, interest was lost.  D. Nashawaty expressed the importance of the committee.  There charge was to look at all town buildings and recommend on repairs, additions, etc.  E. Smith suggested that a letter be written to each member explaining to them that the Selectmen are trying to regroup the committee and ask if they are still interested in serving.  Also thank them for the many hours they put into the committee in the past.  D. Nashawaty will do this and carbon copy the Board of Selectmen.  

Pay Table/Change in Health Contribution

D. Nashawaty had four issues she wished to speak with the Board about.  The first was adoption of a 12.5% contribution for health and dental effective January 1, 2006.  The second was an addition to the personnel policy which addresses volunteers.  The third are pay tables effective January 1, 2006 which in effect provides raises for five employees.  The last was adding the Fire Chief in the pay scales, which was done earlier this evening.  Motion was made by Stephen White to adopt Sections 311 and 312 of the Town of Sunapee Handbook to raise the percentage paid on health insurance, that the policy on volunteers be adopted, and that the pay scales as presented by the Town Manager for the Road Agent, Police Chief, Water and Sewer Superintendent, Librarian and Town Manager be approved.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

County Discussion

D. Nashawaty read a letter she wrote on behalf of the Selectmen to Representative Gale and one to the Speaker of the House.  The letter to Mr. Gale is again requesting the wording of the LSR.  The letter to the Speaker requests that the Board be able to meet with the House Rules Committee. The Speaker of the House will also get a copy of the letter to Mr. Gale.  A lengthy discussion was held on how to word an article, or even if an article should appear, for the 2006 Town Warrant regarding equitable county tax and/or secession.  


Coalition Meeting

D. Nashawaty announced a Coalition Meeting in Concord on Monday, December 12, 2005 at 10 AM.  R. Leone, E. Smith, W. Roach and S. White will attend.

Safe Location

D. Nashawaty announced that the Town Clerk/Tax Collector said she would like to have the safe from the Police Department in her office.  The Board thought this was a wonderful solution.

Employee Annual Get-Together

D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with invitations to the annual Christmas Party to be held at the Highway Garage on Wednesday, December 21.


-       D. Nashawaty read a letter from Rev. St. Louis of the Catholic Church
requesting permission to place a nativity scene on town property for one
day.  Motion was made by Emma Smith to allow the request.  The
                      motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous
and the motion carried.

D. Nashawaty announced that 37% of the tax monies have been

Emma Smith raised a question on the request of Southwestern
Community for budget assistance.  The figures provided in their
letter did not make sense to her.  After review, the other members
agreed.  D. Nashawaty will contact the Director to see how he
arrived at the figures in his request.

D. Nashawaty read a letter from KCOA.  They are requesting the
Sum of $2,400.00 for 2006.  D. Nashawaty will question the mileage
again reported in their letter.

The Mt. Kearsarge Lease will be addressed at another meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Submitted by, Darlene Morse                     Approved________________

_____________________________           ________________________
William Roach, Chairman                             Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_____________________________           ________________________
Richard Leone                                               Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White